Province of : Luxembourg
City : Latour
Address : Rue du 24 Août, 21
Postal code : 6761
Year of the sundial : 1999
Project leader : Ivan Hermand
Author of the sundial : Ivan Hermand
Photo : Freddy Brisy (2008)
Type : Vertical, South
Motto : Le soleil a rendez-vous avec la lune
Motto translation : The sun has an appointment with the moon
Remark :
This sundial was made by the house inhabitant.
It celebrates the sun total eclips that was visible in this area on Aug, 11 1999 at 12h27.
It was installed a couple of months before the eclips.
It shows a scorching zun and a mocking moon that begins to hide it. Everything is contained in the motion of the shadow, so are the moon phases.
As complement, there is the motto, the fast flight of light, of life.

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