Province of : Limburg
City : Tongeren
Postal code : 3700
place : Castle of Hamal in Rutten
Year of the sundial : 1800
Project leader : Hubert Sarton
Author of the sundial : Hubert Sarton
Photo : Mathieu Driessen (1979)
Type : Equatorial
Remark :
This sundial is remarkable thanks to the sobriety of its design. Together with the essential components (the strip with the hours and the style) only the elements required for the stability of the dial are present.
Hubert Sarton (1748-1828) is a famous clockmaker from Liège, inventor of the automatic clock with rotor.
There is such a sundial at Heks Castle in Heers.
Due to the fact one may not visit the Hamal castle, the picture is a duplicate from the book Zonnewijzers in Limburg’ (1979) from Matthieu Driessen.

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